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Caroline Booker

Mylitta has risen
From her chrysalis prison
And the angels sing

Like an Egyptian mummy
She bathes in thistle milk and honey
And Sheba puts on her ring

With a tiger cub in hand
She strides through this land
Sucking the thorns of the thistle away

And with this thorn gone
We awake and join the song
Singing Our Lady has come home today

An Oath and a Sneeze

Caroline Booker

Coughs and sneezes brings all types of diseases, and all sorts of unsightly things
But the blessing it brings, has the breath of spring and with it the innocent heart sings
So I take a vow, not to you or to you and I have one final word to say.
Bless you, achoiu, achiouuuu, adieu, adios, achiou, good day.

website maintained by michelle bernard - contact michelle.bernard@anglia.ac.uk - last updated January 6, 2010